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Aleisha Hornick

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Aleisha Hornick


Diabetes was never something I associated with children. I knew of Type 1 diabetes, but just never really encountered it.... Until the start of 2021, when my close friend's daughter was diagnosed with it. They are such a strong family unit, but their worlds have been turned upside down and suddenly they now face a lifelong battle. I want to raise money in the hope that the technology can be improved to help her on her new lifelong journey. Because even with an insulin pump, her daily spikes and lows are so unpredictable and hard to manage. If I can help in some small way by contributing funds to medical research that would be amazing. Hopefully,  a day will come, when there is a better answer than a pump, or regular finger prick tests, or alarms constantly alerting day and night that sugar levels are dangerously high/low.    

I'm taking part in the Toohey Trail Run for Diabetes Queensland. I am completing the half marathon. Please support me to support someone else. 


Did you know that diabetes is Australia’s fastest growing chronic health condition? It can be relentless and life threatening and almost 300 Australians are diagnosed with diabetes every day. With over 50 years of expertise Diabetes Queensland is at the forefront of tackling isolation, advocating and caring for people living with diabetes.


Please support my efforts by making a secure online donation and by posting a message. I'm incredibly grateful for any support you can offer.


Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible.


Thanks so much for your support!

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Diabetes Queensland

No-one should have to deal with diabetes alone. Diabetes can be relentless and life-threatening. We use our decades of experience to help people living with diabetes by tackling isolation, providing advocacy support and psychological care. For over 50 years Diabetes Queensland has been caring for and providing a collective voice for the diabetes community. We work hard to improve the lives of all Queenslanders living with diabetes and support 33,000 people who have chosen to join our community by providing educational programs and services, support, psychological care, advice and advocacy so they can lead happy and healthy lives.

To access our privacy policy and collection statement, please visit:

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